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Перевод: redraft



  1. Knowledge of the bull overshadowed the discussions in the 1555 English parliament on the Bill restoring annates and tenths to Rome, contributing to the strength of anti-papal sentiment and forcing the government to redraft the measure so that these taxes would remain in the hands of the English church rather than accrue to the pope.
  2. Writing serves cognitive functions in enabling the child to redraft and refine thoughts and ideas, but it also serves social functions in transmitting messages in the wider world.
  3. Assemble ideas, eg for a story, poem or description , on paper, or on a computer screen, or in a discussion with others, and show some ability to produce a draft from them and then to redraft and revise as necessary.
  4. Begin to revise and redraft in discussion with the teacher, other adults, or other children in the class, paying attention to meaning and clarity as well as checking for matters such as correct and consistent use of past tenses and pronouns.
  5. Your redraft of the contract was a most helpful way of approaching the issues - and in fact set out things more clearly than our original.
  6. Then overnight they redraft them because they didn't really matter in the first place.
  7. At Edgehill, the science department was divided into biological and environmental sciences, instead of the traditional biology, physics and chemistry; the head teacher was a conscious advocate of innovation in comprehensive schooling; in the third school, Meadowvale, the science department had decided to redraft its entire first and second year science curriculum, in part because of the children's response to the VISTA visits organized by GIST.
  8. "I'm not taking off the table the fact that we keep this constantly under review," he declares, "and when this redraft comes up then we're going to look at it very carefully."
  9. know when and how to plan, draft, redraft, revise and proof-read their work;
  10. Pupils, we say, must revise and redraft their writing in response to their own or other people's reading of their texts.
  11. TASK 4 asked children to draft, revise and redraft a poem with a given theme.
  12. But writers want to redraft only when they are concerned enough about their work to want to improve it; a good deal of the writing done in schools pupils would not wish to redraft, because it isn't important enough to them.

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