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Перевод: redstart speek redstart

горихвостка [зоол.]


  1. The redstart, named for its strikingly red tail, is mainly a woodland bird but will also be found in parks and gardens.
  2. A climb over a stile - and a redstart sang its short phrases from the branch of an ash: "The fire-tail's "tweet-tut" fretting call/ keeps up a teasing melody."
  3. I was told to look out for a redstart at the next bend, its black face and chestnut tail showing for brief moments as it darted into the open, out and back, fly catching.
  4. But stoat, butterflies, wood lark, redstart, wheat ear, lap wing and stone curlews - to remind us of the days when the great bustard roamed the wild sandy spaces of Break in droves.
  5. Holes in trees are often scarce and the problem is made more acute by competition from other hole nesters like the great tit, redstart and nuthatch.
  6. The incubation period of a cuckoo's egg is about 11 days, while that for host species is slightly longer - 12 days for the reed warbler and dunnock, 13 to 14 days for the meadow pipit, pied wagtail and redstart.
  7. When model "pied wagtail" or "redstart" cuckoo eggs were placed in the nests, almost all were ejected.
  8. Nesting in holes in trees or, as this one, in walls, the redstart may raise two broods a year, each of six eggs.
  10. These include the great reed warbler, the wheatear, the whitethroat and the redstart but, as yet, none of these is as well studied as the pied flycatcher.

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