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Перевод: redundant speek redundant

излишний; чрезмерный; лишний; многословный; уволенный по сокращению штатов;
резервный элемент ; система с резервированием


  1. Within 20 years, factories have come and gone, and sidings are now redundant.
  2. Fifty-eight-year-old woman with some experience in an office she was made redundant."
  3. THE sign that reads "Bathing and Fishing Prohibited" in the River Ver is redundant, writes Robert Bedlow.
  4. By setting up a trust for All Souls and carrying out the essential repairs, SAVE has demonstrated that even the most problematic redundant churches in the most difficult locations need not be a lost cause.
  5. When 250 workers were made redundant by Quantock poultry Packers, the CAB moved into the remote Somerset factory.
  6. It is a slight story, padded out to a mind-deadening 640 pages by the monotonous recital of the great redundant master plan itself.
  7. The family who had owned and operated the mill continued to live in the imposing nearby mill house, but were unable to fund a restoration of the redundant mill, so that when a Repairs Notice was served on them by the local authority, they were obliged to sell the building.
  8. When the present owner purchased it, the barn was part of a redundant farmyard in the centre of the small stone-built village of Upper Heyford.
  9. To that end, he tossed the media rabble dripping hunks of redundant, rote monologue; his loudness provided a great show and diverted probing questions.
  10. In it, a miner who has been made redundant heads south to Helsinki and falls in love.
  11. The man or woman who has been made redundant may begin to feel that life is all but over.
  12. Enquiries related to redundant churches, and especially their adaptation, should be addressed in the first place either to the secretary of the Redundant Churches Uses Committee of the Diocese (see diocesan handbook) or to the Secretary of the Advisory Board for Redundant Churches of the Church Commissioners.
  13. Langford and Williams' work with renowned listed pubs since 1987 puts the company in a favourable light with conservation societies such as The Victorian Society, SPAB, and the Georgian Group; we have even been known to win a few CAMRA awards yet at the same time the firm has also brazenly converted redundant pubs to caf-bar concepts.

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