r ra rb rc rd re rf rg rh ri rj rk rl rm rn ro rp rr rs rt ru rv rw ry rz

Перевод: reflectance speek reflectance

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  1. As most reflectance data were obtained from coal seams or coaly matter of the Westphalian, extrapolations of the measured values to the top Carboniferous were necessary, sometimes over vertical distances of several hundred meters.
  2. A consequence of oxidation effects would be to raise observed vitrinite reflectance values.
  3. For this procedure a diagram was used which shows the relation between vitrinite reflectance and relative depth (Fig. 2) and which is based on measurements of vitrinite reflectance in 45 deep boreholes of western Germany.
  4. An alternative to blood testing by the laboratory is the use of a test strip in conjunction with a reflectance meter.
  5. However, this initial, albeit restricted, study has demonstrated the usefulness of vitrinite reflectance data in other than strictly maturation-related applications.
  6. SUMMARY: Vitrinite reflectance data for the Carboniferous in 68 Southern North Sea Basin wells have been used to determine a maturity-depth relationship for the basin and to provide an estimate of basement inversion.
  7. An Interpretation of Vitrinite Reflectance Data From the Southern North Sea Basin
  8. For the purposes of the present interpretation, the reflectance measurements over the upper 500 ft (150 m) of Carboniferous section were used to give single well average reflectance values which provided a measure of top Carboniferous maturity level.
  9. What remains uncertain is whether consciousness is a separate phenomenon which needs explaining, like language or vision, or whether it is simply an attribute of certain neural processes in the same way as high reflectance is an attribute of the piece of paper you are looking at while you read this, something which is simply part of the physical characteristics of the brain or the paper.
  10. These levels correspond to volatile matter values of 36%, 28% and 10% respectively, which allows a correlation of coal rank against vitrinite reflectance.
  11. The effect would be to lower the reflectance and thus enhance the discrepancy between shale velocity and vitrinite reflectance estimates.
  12. As is commonly found, maturity estimates based on spore colour and vitrinite reflectance (R) by different Laboratories have given varying results (Dembicki 1984).

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