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Перевод: reflectively

отраженно; задумчиво


  1. "Life's like a patchwork quilt," said Breeze reflectively.
  2. He paused, reflectively.
  3. "Most of the trauma I was going through at the time is written into that film," he admitted reflectively.
  4. Karelius sat back reflectively, and let his gaze drift along the road to the west.
  5. When she told me how she came to be a refugee, she paused reflectively before each statement, conscious that as a foreigner I might not know the history of Palestine before 1948.
  6. Henry scratched his crotch reflectively and stared down at his History of Wimbledon .
  7. Pater stare at his glass of gin reflectively.
  8. He smiled reflectively.
  9. "I suppose we are right to send you and Jeremy out to get Tristram rather than leave him to take the full consequences?" he said reflectively, as he loaded her and her possessions into his car and took the wheel.
  10. Working reflectively, light shown here as transmitted is reflected back through the cell, re-twisted, and seen by the viewer.
  11. He rubbed his chin reflectively.
  12. "Do you know what it is?" he enquired, wiping his mouth reflectively with the back of his hand.
  13. It is probably best to take this piece seated, to suggest a character looking back reflectively at the events recalled.

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