r ra rb rc rd re rf rg rh ri rj rk rl rm rn ro rp rr rs rt ru rv rw ry rz

Перевод: reformat



  1. The novice to word processing might find it easier to reformat text after typing it in than before.
  2. To reformat paragraphs
  3. Reformat it to a typing line wider than the screen afterwards, unless it will include a complicated layout such as tab stops across its full width, when the page width and margins should be set beforehand.
  4. Reformat the characters, but not the paragraphs, to their default style (highlight the whole document and tap Alt+Spacebar ).
  5. Reformat the phrase "complimentary close" in boldface type and italics
  6. For example, you could double the width of the margins or reformat the text into several columns.
  7. It is easier to reformat text after typing it in (rather than before) until you have had some practice.
  8. If you accidentally reformat characters wrongly, undo the reformatting straight away.
  9. Reformat the word "consistency" in boldface type and italics
  10. To reformat characters
  11. Reformat the second to the sixth paragraphs in the hanging paragraph style
  12. Reformat the name and address in the fourth paragraph in italics
  13. Reformat all the paragraphs, but not the heading, in the indented style.

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