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Перевод: refrain speek refrain

рефрен ; припев ;
сдерживаться; удерживаться; удержаться; воздерживаться; сдерживать; удерживать; обуздывать


  1. refrain from taking some action that I am currently taking?
  2. Whatever breakfast consists of, it is brought to your table arranged so exquisitely, and with each dish packaged so cunningly, that you cannot refrain from tasting.
  3. The refrain tailed off down the street:
  4. To refrain from an action is as much an act as actually performing it because, in both cases, the nervous system is employed.
  5. John and I got on - and I was happy to join in with the general "Sarah's being difficult" refrain.
  6. As the Ruddock case has shown, the standard of review employed in national security cases is set so high that it is possible that the Tribunal could be compelled to refrain from interfering with discretionary decisions taken for this reason.
  7. As for the girl, it gives her the opportunity to start again and, hopefully, refrain from future transgression."
  8. On the verge of tears, Mr Wolk went on television to appeal to people to refrain from taking to the streets, and urged them instead to keep a lit candle in their window.
  9. "I'll never forget the time you" can be an aggrieved refrain in real marriages as well as in music-hall jokes.
  10. when he or she is asked to refrain from a particular activity;
  11. The fit between fact and theory is good, but again the conclusion strikes up the familiar refrain: "the results are only marginally significant
  12. "But not a chance in hell, old boy, of overturning it," the refrain went.
  13. When tough new laws are announced, it is usually with the refrain "The innocent have nothing to fear, as long as they can prove it".

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