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Перевод: regicide speek regicide

цареубийство; цареубийца


  1. On the other hand it raised the danger of an ambitious cousin, too impatient to wait for the present ruler's death, committing regicide; and there were many instances of this.
  2. To remove a president from office is comparable to removing a monarch, impeachment is closer to regicide than to the mere sacking of a prime minister.
  3. Consideration of the nature of hypocrisy in Macbeth reinforces our awareness that Shakespeare connects it with all other forms of evil, the initial dissimulation leading to treason, regicide, and the never-ending chain of murder by which Macbeth destroys the whole of Scotland: Macbeth, having used fraud and force to obtain power, must now use force openly.
  4. A recent Spectator piece by John Simpson provided a snapshot of the Brute at Tory HQ on election night: "Anderson was heard to describe how the BBC would now be dismembered - as though he were a 17thcentury judge sentencing a regicide."
  5. Corbett smiled slowly, the last stone was in place, the picture was complete and, in his mind's eye, he saw full and clear the face of the murderer of Erceldoun, Seton, the young man in his own retinue, the boatman and, above all, the regicide, the slayer of the Lord's anointed, King Alexander III of Scotland.
  6. It was not as if he was protected by politics: he had served in the regiment of Colonel Robert Phaire, a regicide.
  7. Jessop had considerable scruples about taking the "engagement", or loyalty oath to the republic; the abolition of the House of Lords seems to have upset him more than the 1649 regicide and abolition of the monarchy.
  8. Was Bruce a regicide?
  9. He was able to satisfy Royalist investigators that an out-payment which he had made in connection with the king's trial and execution had simply been a routine matter, in no way implicating him in the actual regicide.
  10. , John (1607-;1651), MP, parliamentary officer, and regicide, was baptized at Preston 4 April 1607, the eldest in a family of four sons and three daughters of Henry Alured MP (1581-;1628) of the Charterhouse, Hull, and his wife Frances ( d .
  11. , Sir Gregory ( c. 1603-;1652), MP and regicide, was the son of Henry Norton of Charlton, Wantage, Berkshire, and his wife Elizabeth, fourth daughter of William Nelson of Chaldeworth, Berkshire.
  12. The populists resorted to conspiracy, terror and regicide.
  13. , Vincent (1614-;1661), regicide, officer, and parliamentary commissioner to the army, was born in 1614, apparently in Warwickshire of unknown parents.

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