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Перевод: regime speek regime

режим ; строй ; диета


  1. Yet we blame the Germans for not defying a regime which would melt you into soap.
  2. An unprecedented Lenten letter read out in Catholic churches last month pointed out the injustices of Dr Banda's one-party regime.
  3. The proceedings of Sir Paul Scoon after the American invasion were just as revolutionary - meaning validated by force not law - as had been the proceedings of the superseded military regime.
  4. He pointed out that the strength of the regime could not depend on "the laws ! of the Gestapo alone", and that "the broad mass of the population needs an idol".
  5. Once again, a chairman sympathetic to the Thatcher regime was chosen, in this case "Duke" Hussey, while a policy of supplying franchises to a variety of new commercial television and radio companies, exploiting the potential of satellite transmission, again threatened the BBC's position.
  6. Under the new regime, herborising expeditions received some impetus.
  7. "The fact that the regime has so quickly and so completely imploded in East Germany could risk a reunification of Germany almost by default before long," one diplomat said.
  8. The farmers in the extended LFA are mainly dairy farmers or dairy with sheep, and it may well be that compensatory payments because of LFA designation will be less important than the substantial payments they can attract under the EEC's existing Sheepmeat Regime.
  9. But since the Free Officers had overthrown the Sanusis, the main evocation was of hostility to the present regime.
  10. Could it be their governments do not believe that the Iraqi regime will eventually be forced to make good the costs of the operation?
  11. The BTEC HND courses consistently and successfully attract students of a more practical than academic inclination, and develop them to the stage where their natural pragmatic talents have been enhanced with a rigorous regime of integrated business skills.
  12. Nothing could, perhaps, convey better the collapse of a regime than this picture of a faithful attendant carrying a cup of soup through a deserted palace, to an Empress asleep in a chair.
  13. The two official Party newspapers in Bucharest admitted a threat to "the whole socio-economic construction of Romania" - implying a threat to the regime itself.

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