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Перевод: regularize speek regularize

упорядочивать; делать правильным


  1. again, you wanted the, the, to regularize the system with within the B E S office.
  2. A four-month amnesty came into force on Oct. 13 allowing illegal non-EC immigrants to regularize their position, provided that they had been in the country for six months and were earning a living.
  3. Attempts have been made to regularize the position and, in 1966, the Russell Report on the Supply and Training of Teachers recommended that, by 1969, a professional training requirement should be introduced for all new entrants into the further education colleges, a recommendation that was never implemented because of the urgent need for teachers at the time and the shortage of money.
  4. It had previously been estimated that the programme would allow 100,000-170,000 people who had arrived in Spain before May 15, 1991, to regularize their status.
  5. They must not underspend or overspend, and must regularize the volume of books received so that the processing departments have an even flow of work throughout the year.
  6. By 1810 the legal government of independent Spain (which had transformed itself from a Central Junta, composed of delegates from the Provincial Juntas, into a Regency) was cooped up in Cadiz surrounded by a French army; there it sought to find the sinews of war and to regularize the constitutional position by summoning a Cortes which met on 24 September 1810.
  7. But Hughie is saying as far the works office is concerned, he wants to regularize the system with this procedure.
  8. The legislation sought to encourage illegal immigrants (mostly from North African countries and variously estimated as between fewer than 500,000 and as many as 2,000,000) to regularize their situation by registering with the police.
  9. Some 110,000 immigrants met the Dec. 10 deadline for applications to regularize their status as residents of Spain.

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