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Перевод: rehearse speek rehearse

репетировать; спеваться; повторять; перечислять; пересказывать


  1. We'd be in the pub planning to have a couple more pints and he'd always want to go back and rehearse again," says Rigby.
  2. The conductor will say, "So that I can communicate my ideas to the orchestra"; and the orchestra will say, "So that he can learn the repertory at our expense"; and the manager will say, "Because I am paying for all this and I insist you rehearse."
  3. The job of a producer is to originate ideas, gather the material, work out the costs, keeping within a given budget, have the scripts written, rehearse the principals and finally preside over the dress rehearsal and the live production on the air.
  4. She wanted to rehearse all her wisdom out loud to someone so that she could find out if she still believed it herself.
  5. This fantasy was so vivid to her that she would even rehearse this line out loud, looking at herself in her mirror as she smoked the last cigarette of the night, after she'd taken her face off, after all the noise was over and we'd all gone home.
  6. Rehearse
  7. Rehearse the pageant.
  8. We'd rehearse in the huts after school, having squared it with the music teacher.
  9. It was crucial to the development of the plot to have a character - in this case balding, in a mackintosh - who would defend the prerogatives of Congress, rehearse the finer points of democracy and say, in answer to North's ringing endorsement of the theory that the end justified the means, "But that's not what America is all about, Colonel."
  10. The group make use of Farnham's musical facilities, including the Warehouse, which they say is a great place to rehearse in.
  11. In the basement bands rehearse, and the spacious garden was used in the summer for a couple of large parties.
  12. We decided eventually that the time had come to rehearse this seriously and he was very happy about it.
  13. He called up Mairi Ban and her friends from the clachan, to rehearse the coronach, the song of praise and mourning that would follow his coffin.

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