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Перевод: rejected

выброшенный; выкинутый


  1. The court rejected arguments that it should take account of article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which guarantees free speech.
  2. He bluntly rejected not only the demands of the Rada but also the claims of Ukrainian nationalism (and so contradicted Party Policy:)
  3. Her appeal to the Divisional Court was rejected.
  4. Like Locke, Samuel Parker rejected innate knowledge.
  5. I was brought up perfectly ordinarily in the Church of England but when I was sixteen or seventeen my reason naturally rejected such nonsense.
  6. He therefore rejected all the re-tabled amendments to the directive, which will now go to the EC Council of Ministers for final approval.
  7. I have tried to argue that the principle does not succeed in this task, and moreover that a great deal of philosophy would also be rejected by Ayer's approach.
  8. Yet Abelard's theory cannot be rejected totally.
  9. Applications to fly executive jets were rejected and an attempt to become a government air accident investigator failed.
  10. A company request that the normally prolonged negotiations be "concertina-ed" into a week-long brain storming session has been rejected.
  11. Just days after overturning a decision to deselect him, the Labour stalwart has now been rejected by his colleagues at the party's county level.
  12. At Van Gogh in England, an exhibition at the Barbican Gallery (until May 4), we see the young art dealer drinking in the culture Pissarro had rejected and falling in love with the black-and-white prints of the Social Realists and with his landlady's daughter, the stern young Eugenie Loyer.
  13. Yugoslavia's efforts to tackle its economic crisis received a blow yesterday when Serbia, the largest republic, and Vojvodina province rejected the government's emergency recovery plan.

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