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Перевод: relict speek relict

вдова ; реликт


  1. Thus the extra-tropical zone of former pronounced valley formation was dominated by relict landscape features both glacial and periglacial.
  2. The second main objection to the interpretation of these fragmentary features as remnants of marine terraces, that they are insufficiently well preserved to be objectively assessed, is a problem common to the interpretation of all relict features undergoing destruction.
  3. We were on heath land beyond Minsmere, a relict of the Suffolk Sandlings.
  4. The corollary is that British influence in Tonga is still immense; but Germany still has relict links from before 1899, and this dampish little Dusseldorfer was a case in point.
  5. relict of Thomas F. late rector 19 May 1746 aet.
  6. The higher mountains of Snowdonia are famed for their montane vegetation and relict arctic-alpine plants and insects.
  7. Siliceous crusts, or silcretes, are much more durable, but seem to be mainly if not entirely relict features.
  8. While some landforms may have been so produced, it is possible that many of them may be relict forms subject to little later modification.
  9. In hydrothermally altered igneous rock, pseudomorphic replacement of calcic plagioclase by albite is common, often in cases where relict primary textures are preserved.
  10. This was the Sunday Citizen , relict of one of the popular Victorian papers, Reynolds' News , relaunched with a new name in a tabloid format in 1962.
  11. Thus it has been written recently: The shelf off eastern United States is covered almost entirely with relict near-shore sands of the (Pleistocene) transgression.
  12. She could have been his mother, for he was the son of John Symmys of that parish, or even his relict, for he himself must have been dead by 1525, when the Ridlington lease was granted to the duke of Richmond.
  13. One suspects that many of the dominant erosional relict features in arid regions may be the legacies of even more remote periods in the past.

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