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Перевод: reminiscence speek reminiscence

воспоминание; черта, напоминающая что-л.; воспоминания ; память ; мемуары


  1. When the surf was flat, it was like listening to BBC Radio cricket commentators when rain stops play: the lack of action is balanced by a surplus of reminiscence.
  2. "In one reminiscence session somebody brought in an old-fashioned Victorian commode, which looked like a chair, and the group was asked what it was.
  3. Mournfully they toured the two houses, acknowledging with a glance, a pat, or some reminiscence, every object that they loved.
  4. Reminiscence is to do with getting people to use parts of their memory that actually do work.
  5. "Lays, not her skinny finger, but the handle of a key, upon her lip" is a reminiscence of
  6. In reminiscence, you build up from past life to the present.
  7. It's usually best if it is linked with reminiscence (see page 123).
  8. This looking back is nowadays often referred to as "reminiscence therapy".
  9. Such reminiscence of childhood presented at once as reality and illusion came frequently to Eliot around the time of his conversion.
  10. It isn't always easy to lead a reminiscence group, and sometimes it needs a skilled leader.
  11. Highly charged personal reminiscence is bound up with the anthropological perspective which gives it an impersonal respectability.
  12. It's thought that the morning, when people are a bit lively, is a good time for therapy-type activities - perhaps have a half-hour reminiscence group over a coffee at 9.30 or 10.00 am.
  13. This chapter gives you some ideas for informal things to do in the Home, organised outings and activities which may also have a special therapy value, like reminiscence.

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