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Перевод: rennet speek rennet

сычужок ; сычужный фермент; ранет


  1. "You must have rennet spilling out of your ears," Algy said to Louise, who by now was beyond taking pleasure in such moves of friendliness and simply handed round the dish with her left hand behind her back as she had been taught, feeling mutinous and thinking proudly of a homeland where not junket but fondue was the commonplace.
  2. The woman dropped rennet into the two cauldrons, stirred them, and then went on peeling the mound of artichokes in silence.
  3. But whereas junket is made with great rapidity and is eaten almost as soon as the curd has set and without being drained, soft cheese takes longer to turn because less rennet must be used and the milk is barely heated, too much rennet and/or too much heat producing a leathery and acid curd.
  4. So we have to use junket rennet.
  5. In that case so can you or I. The next point is that the special rennet that professional cheese-making demands is available only in bulk, and therefore - since only a teaspoonful or so per half-gallon of milk is required - of little use for making cheese at home.
  6. The most popular legend concerning true cheesemaking is that of a herdsman who put fresh milk into an animal's stomach pouch that had not been cleaned and sterilised and discovered that the action of the remaining rennet reacted with the milk to form a sweet cheese, as opposed to the known acid variety.
  7. Very often such cheeses are made with a vegetarian rennet and natural sea salt.
  8. Rennet is added too, which makes the milk clot and set firmly into a junket.
  9. Put in the rennet, measuring it carefully and remembering about too much making a tough and acid curd; stir it well into the milk.
  10. Rennet is added to the vat, then the milk is deep stirred, right to the bottom of the tank, to ensure that the rennet is thoroughly mixed, and the top is stirred to keep the cream properly blended.
  11. To make a good pound of cheese, ingredients are 4 pints of ordinary full cream milk, 1 teaspoons of junket rennet (liquid, not powder) and a little salt.

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