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Перевод: rental speek rental

сумма арендной платы; рентный доход; арендная плата; арендованное здание


  1. Incidentally, boat rental arrangements in this tour package are inclusive of a storm-damage waiver and a very thoughtful 100 free nautical miles a day.
  2. In the summer of 1988 Linford drove to the West London Stadium in the Escort XR3i that Budget Rental had loaned the British Olympic Association for the use of potential team members.
  3. Minimum rental bookable in advance is for three days.
  4. The amount of the provision would depend on a number of factors such as: the length of the expected period during which there will be no sub-lessee; the amount of rental any sub-lessee could be expected to pay in the prevailing market conditions; the amount that the company would have to pay to dispose of the lease; and the intentions of management regarding the vacant space.
  5. In future, the primary rental will be abolished, and the new costs of maintaining their own transmission systems plus paying for the licence are expected to be considerably less expensive.
  6. Some people are already and perhaps unknowingly able to use the rules, such as those who run a taxable business and already have exempt rental income.
  7. Rental income from renting out property;
  8. During the second world war, the government took control of the system, worked it to death without investing and, under a fixed "rental" agreement of 1941, pocketed more than half of the railways' receipts.
  9. The downturn in television and electrical rental business appeared to be tailing off and, despite a substantial write-off, the sale of Lasky - where the group admitted its timing was wrong - was beneficial..
  10. Page 27 TIP leaps 40 per cent: Pre-tax profits at TIP Europe, the trailer rental company, rose 40 per cent from 9m to 12.6m in the year to July as the fleet grew from 10,000 to 18,000 vehicles.
  11. While connection and rental fees for non-business users are lower, the actual cost of the phone itself could be significantly greater.
  12. A major benefit for Executive Club Members of Club Europe Drive is the 10% discount on every rental you make when you fly Club Europe, simply by showing your Executive Club card and quoting your CDP number 709100 at the rental location.
  13. Mr Patten told the National House Building Council in London that his aim in the public rental sector was not to move to market-level rents or to end rent subsidies for the less well off.

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