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Перевод: repaint



  1. The restoration also involved removal around the damage of old repaint which obscured some of the thumb prints which, uniquely in Poussin's work, texture the whole picture surface.
  2. Her the answer is simple: strip off the paint from window and frame, back to bare wood, then repaint from scratch.
  3. The D.M.U. appeared in grey and yellow livery for the only time prior to a full repaint during the winter.
  4. Carry out any necessary repairs to the greenhouse, and repaint it if needed, in dry weather.
  5. "And I hope I may be spared to repaint my own house when I am ninety-eight, Doctor!"
  6. Leave it to harden fully, then sand off any excess and repaint.
  7. Inside Newark's award-winning display hangar, Prentice T.1 VR249 is receiving a repaint, the silver finish achieved being all the more remarkable because it has been rollered on, not sprayed.
  8. I plan to repaint it but would like to keep it in its present colours.
  9. Prime and repaint.
  10. A few shillings sufficed to repaint the notice-boards.
  11. Janet's bedroom is painted pink, which she says is "how it's always been, I can't be bothered to repaint it".
  12. "Then I would like it fine for you to advise me how I am to repaint my ceilings, Doctor!
  13. (Croydon 34E and 55E then due for a repaint) Following Mr. Spencer's resignation, T. E. Thomas became General Manager (Trams and Trolleybuses) covering the whole system.

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