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Перевод: repeal speek repeal

аннулирование; отмена ;
аннулировать; отменять


  1. We will repeal Section 28 of the 1988 Local Government Act.
  2. The amendment by an expatriate Scot, George Cunningham (Labour, Islington), by ensuring that a 40 per cent vote of the electorate (not simply of those voting) would have to be achieved for a devolution bill to go through and for a repeal order not to be tabled, made devolution, at least for Wales, virtually an impossibility.
  3. The repeal of the "taxes on knowledge" in the mid-1850s is, therefore, an historical and political watershed; it ensured that individuals and groups could voice opinions and circulate those opinions via the press without risk of prosecution.
  4. Ursula Oxley read from the memoirs of Henry Hunt who was born Wiltshire, was elected to parliament, and worked for the repeal of the corn laws.
  5. In fact, the Act does not repeal all of them.
  6. Governments - tax evasion through to avoidance especially for transnational corporations (Vanick 1977); illegal campaign funds to politicians in return for promises (Chambliss 1978); bribing state officials in return for later lucrative employment; fraudulent information to prevent, influence, or repeal legislation (Schrag and Divoky 1981: 94-;127; Sunday Times Insight Team 1979: 90-;116; Ungar 1972); exporting illegal behaviour to another state where it is not illegal (Braithwaite 1979b); fraudulent billing of government body (Klass 1975; Vaughan 1980).
  7. In the overview of the provisions of the Trade Union Reform and Employment Rights Bill 1992, which appeared in ACCOUNTANCY 's December 1992 issue (see p 128), the reference under Wages Councils to the repeal of Part II of the Wages Act 1980 should have referred to the repeal of Part II of the Wages Act 1986.
  8. Repeal of these laws would involve considerable loss of face for some politicians and their advisers.
  9. With the repeal of the Act for Burial in Woollen the market was open to a variety of textiles: alpaca, calico, cambric, cashmere, etamine, flannel, holland, linen, muslin, poplin, satin, serge and silk being used for shrouds and winding-sheets; and calico, cambric, flannel, linen, silk and swansdown for linings.
  10. MR ARTHUR Scargill, NUM president, demanded yesterday that, if Labour won, it should repeal all anti-union legislation, dismiss the British Coal board and reinstate all miners sacked during his year-long pit strike, writes Kevin Maguire, Labour Correspondent.
  11. In an urgent ruling yesterday, the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg ordered the government immediately to repeal specific clauses of the act which relate to the Spanish presence, on the grounds that they illegally discriminate against foreigners.
  12. The NRA suffered two defeats earlier this year: in Virginia, which restricted handgun purchases to one a month, and in New Jersey, where gun-rights advocates lost a three-year campaign to repeal the state's restrictions on selling assault rifles.
  13. The position nevertheless remains that the possibility exists of parliamentary legislation inconsistent with the 1972 Act being preferred by an English court under the doctrine of implied repeal and, even if this possibility were removed, there would always remain the possibility of an express repeal, for notwithstanding this impressive accumulation of law and practice there is no shortage of political figures who insist that the sovereignty of the Parliament of the United Kingdom stands unimpaired, and plenty who are pledged to use that power to extract the United Kingdom from the coils of Europe in which they see it as enmeshed.

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