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Перевод: repeatedly

неоднократно; несколько раз; повторно


  1. Distributors showed repeatedly the old films from their stocks.
  2. German officials have repeatedly threatened to leave the EC integration process unless they can have it their way.
  3. Intel's Grove has repeatedly declared his determination to defend his company's dominant position in the PC chip market by every available method.
  4. We'll follow two of these chains in a sort of volcanic Cook's tour since they are of fundamental importance to our story, and will crop up repeatedly throughout the rest of the text.
  5. Cabrera Infante, among others, repeatedly draws attention to his role as author, while the narrator of Alfredo Bryce Echenique's A World for Julius not only maintains a running dialogue with the reader, but also involves himself with his characters, putting himself in their shoes, addressing them directly as if they were there alongside him and, like a supporter at a sporting event, siding with some against others.
  6. She has repeatedly emphasized that her novels are linguistically self-conscious explicitly in order to translate the apprehension of the problematic area of language.
  7. Israel repeatedly and successfully obstructed America's will, at no particular cost to itself.
  8. It is not so much that the culture of masculine honour is a sublimation of homosexuality,; rather masculine honour repeatedly incites what, heterosexually, it presupposes but cannot admit.
  9. This is Walter Savage Landor; and this short article explains why Landor figures repeatedly, and always with respect, not just in The Cantos and in Pound's later criticism, but in Yeats's poetry and prose also.
  10. It is recommended for on-the-spot checking for animals before they enter the herd and those with repeatedly high cell counts.
  11. Environment and parliamentary groups pressed repeatedly for the UK to drop its opposition to the Directive.
  12. Records show that dolphins have repeatedly colonised fresh waters, and that the living river dolphins, although unified by habit, are not all closely related to one another.
  13. One committed suicide by repeatedly smashing its rostrum against the concrete wall of the harbour, and then swimming into the net which held it captive.

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