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Перевод: repentant speek repentant

кающийся; раскаивающийся; выражающий раскаяние


  1. And in this way the aristocrat who had fallen to the low road returned - now sober, repentant, well-heeled - to the world in which he was born.
  2. sinner, one repentant.
  3. But he was in no way repentant, for he had parried this by saying he wished he had killed him and if he ever came across him again he would make another attempt.
  4. Awareness of danger of attracting nominals rather than the repentant.
  5. The " blood " referred to came of course from the animal which died as a substitute for the repentant Jew and which was sprinkled on his behalf on the altar by the priest.
  6. Aware of further frosty looks from Seb's parents Nutty looked suitably repentant and said she was sorry for trespassing.
  7. The predator must become a repentant steward.
  8. Repentant tears welled quickly to his eyes.
  9. That evening brought a repentant young husband, flowers and wine, an evening to themselves.
  10. But not repentant, not one bit repentant.
  11. A main real difference in the experience which marked it off from fundamentalist and some pentecostal forms of conversion experience was that the outcome was not the assurance of being saved, but rather a spirituality of trust in Christ based on repentance and the conviction that God forgives repentant sinners.
  12. The gunman, now in police custody, is repentant.

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