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Перевод: replenish speek replenish

снова наполнять; пополнять; дозаправить


  1. Meanwhile, electrons from the electrolyte replenish those lost by the dye, while a second electrode, made of conducting glass, completes the circuit.
  2. Banks replenish their nostro accounts by purchasing foreign currency bank deposits (claims) in the foreign exchange market from banks and non-banks which hold excess foreign currency balances in relation to their needs.
  3. (" The people who sold the soap for us want to replenish their supply" came the typically slippery message to McFarlane; his secretary described how, when such messages came, he would look at her with a puzzled expression.)
  4. To ward off the smothering tendencies of the bishops, permanent secretaries and dons, the Prime Minister had a shifting circle of advisers to protect her, and another group who would replenish the fund of radical ideas.
  5. Both products have been produced specifically for permed, damaged hair and they replenish moisture lost in the perming process.
  6. The cuts, equivalent to a 2p reduction in the basic rate of income tax, are expected to replenish some of the consumers' depleted ammunition.
  7. If you prefer baits, slide them inside a drainpipe and replenish them regularly
  8. This deficit must be satisfied before any water can infiltrate downwards through the soil to replenish the aquifer.
  9. There was a vital need to recruit fresh men and to replenish stores.
  10. His head throbbed with drink and sunsmite and the bony bouncing of his horse - time to rest and replenish.
  11. All creatures need sleep to replenish their energies for the next awakening.
  12. The generally accepted reason was that the French coffers were nearly empty and he wanted to replenish them from the vast treasures of the Knights Templars.
  13. "But we haven't had enough rain to replenish the water table which is itself in drought," pointed out Susan.

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