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Перевод: reprogram speek reprogram



  1. This is a real advantage when using the A2 live and also goes a long way to keeping the engineer happy in the studio, without taking precious minutes to reprogram.
  2. It is possible to reprogram the factory presets, but any changes will need to be stored in a user preset.
  3. This is in addition to the letter written to the two of you and Tim, which you will recognize as being a step on the way to telling Tim that we want to reprogram from the top.
  4. Reprogram problem 1.3 using this new facility.
  5. Stick with a non-Windows solution and you'll be maximizing your existing investment - without having to waste time converting your data, and without having to relearn or reprogram.
  6. We are returning, by another route, to Minsky's suggestion that the evolutionary role of consciousness has been to give access to modules or levels, otherwise inaccessible, so as to debug, reprogram or retrain them.
  7. With them he can reprogram the Conscience to overcome the Voord's immunisation, and re-establish peace on Marinus.
  8. But because the brain is such a finely equilibrated and dynamic system, with great capacities for self-adjustment and control, the effect of disrupting its biochemistry by flooding it, via a pill, with some drug which affects protein synthesis, or particular neurotransmitters or neuromodulators, is more likely to be the equivalent of trying to retune a radio or reprogram a computer by jamming a screwdriver into its circuit boards.

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