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Перевод: sedge speek sedge

осока ; камыш


  1. The frequent attention given to the management of river banks has made many unsuitable for the nesting of Kingfishers, and the frequent clearance of marginal vegetation has been to the detriment of species such as the Reed Bunting, Sedge and Reed Warbler.
  2. Bedmakers in Cambridge colleges were issued with stout gloves to protect their hands from the sharp sedge as they lit the fires in undergraduates' rooms.
  3. From Burwell Fen, sedge was sent out by boat for the purpose of drying malt, and Cambridge imported fen sedge as kindling.
  4. The commonest grass is Festuca rubra and the commonest sedge is C. nigra .
  5. Scraps of sedge and meadow rue still cling to its margins, the last remnants of a marsh which must once have inundated the whole valley floor.
  6. Wetlands under threat have included a variety of landscapes: swamps of tall reed or reed sweet-grass; marshes of rush and sedge, which sometimes develop into scrub of willow and bog myrtle; fens, whose lush vegetation is nourished by alkaline groundwater, and which range from open pools, often the remains of peat cutting, to grazed beds of meadowsweet and iris, grading in turn to the wet woodlands known as alder "carr"; mires, such as the mosses of the North-West, whose deep peatlands support sphagnum moss and heather, scattered with glades of birch, the favourite haunt of nightjars.
  7. In the wettest wetlands of all grows an even tougher thatching material, one of our most ancient natural crops: the giant saw sedge Cladium mariscus .
  8. Both the above sources also refer to what is evidently the Carex paniculata sedge swamp of the NVC, found in Benbecula and South Uist.
  9. One hundred and eighty-six different species of birds have been noted at Strathbeg, including rarities such as Caspian tern, little egret, crane, pied-billed grebe and red-footed falcon; amongst nesting residents are shelduck, mallard, tufted duck, secretive water rail, sedge and willow warbler, black-bibbed reed bunting and diminutive wren.
  10. Near by, in the tell-tale peat, are stands of meadowsweet and sedge, the last remnants of Henley's ancient marsh, now happily salvaged as an oasis within a new housing estate.
  11. Then there was the steady encroachment of reed and sedge, alder and willow, from the edges, slowly laying down peat and squeezing the lake smaller and smaller towards the centre of the basin.
  12. Wet moorlands - more correctly known as blanket bogs - often vegetated with a heather/cotton grass/cross-leaved heath or purple moor grass/deer sedge plant community, are not usually amenable to agricultural development on a significant scale.

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