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Перевод: sere speek sere

сухой; изношенный; увядший;
спусковой рычаг [воен.] ;
иссушать; прижигать; ожесточать; опалять


  1. "My way of life/Is fallen into the sere, the yellow leaf' , says Macbeth; "why do you start, and seem to fear/Things that do sound so fair ?" asks Banquo; "I see thee still", says Macbeth to the imaginary dagger, "And on thy blade and dudgeon gouts of blood, /Which was not so before."
  2. I felt at the time, that if such a Call sere presented I should have great difficulty, indeed, in declining it, even in the face of much inconvenience and pecuniary sacrifice.
  3. The phrase "a different voice", which has come to sere as a popular and psychological shorthand for her conclusions, has important but ambivalent significances for psychology and feminism.
  4. Not that I mean it to be a breathless race, but rather that I somehow don't see life in an ordinary manner, not even this sere and monotonous existence in Africa; granted, it browns me off sometimes, but I do pretty well on the whole; and if I can still enjoy this incredibly austere and disciplined life, how much more shall we not enjoy life together?
  5. Gile de Sere made this."
  6. "How swiftly one falls into the sere and yellow.

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