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Перевод: slanted

наклоненный; отклоненный; наклонный


  1. Slant wall: filling is in slanted sections giving more even distribution.
  2. ED KUEPPER: "Black Ticket Day" Australian guitar celeb formerly in The Saints continues his solo work with poignantly slanted eight-track album
  3. Biff swung his power fist upward into the turtle head of the Warlord, staving in its slanted eyes, crushing through adamantium into the Princeps' cabin, pulverizing the softer contents within.
  4. But oh! that deep romantic chasm which slanted
  5. Abruptly one slanted eye exploded.
  6. In return Televisa provided slanted news coverage that helped keep the Institutional Revolutionary Party eternally in power.
  7. Then I skidded and slanted through into Public Baths Surf.
  8. This has now been climbed by Mark Smith and Ben Wise to give Slanted and Enchanted, E5 6a.
  9. Beyond the window, sunshine slanted through the trees to fall across Frankie's face as he enjoyed his morning feast.
  10. For the first time since the end of censorship, the Polish press (long plagued by communist traditions of slanted reporting) conducted a public argument neutrally and eloquently.
  11. As built by Franklin the outer stumps were so slanted away from the middle that the balls were only precariously balanced.
  12. In the control-head two great slanted eye-screens scanned the arena.
  13. As he approached tentatively, wanting to seem friendly but not to alarm her, she had turned on him a long and curious glance from remarkable, slanted, violet-blue eyes.

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