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Перевод: slattern speek slattern

неряшливый; неаккуратный;
неряха ; грязнуля ; шлюха [сл.]


  1. A slattern, evidently his wife, looked on fearfully.
  2. One belonged to a family with a long history of ill-health; another was a slattern with a fondness for the bottle; yet another had a family who had a habit of making other people's homes their own.
  3. I went down to the tap room and ordered a meal though I was hungrier for the dark-eyed slattern I had glimpsed on my last visit with Benjamin.
  4. A slattern brought a small table for Athelstan to rest his writing tray on, and of course a jug of wine and two goblets, though Athelstan shook his head and asked for water.
  5. (i) slimy , sleazy , slut , slouch , slovenly , slob , slattern , slither , slink , etc. (ii) glow , glimmer , gleam , glisten , glitter , glare , etc. and possibly the vowel in (iii) coon , goofy , goon , loony , fool , drool , moon (around), noodle (fig.), etc.
  6. "At first he came alone," the slattern announced.
  7. My master ordered a jug of wine and questioned the slattern, a pretty, fresh-cheeked wench, who would have been quite comely if she had kept her teeth.
  8. In "The Mistaken Lover" Leapor shows Strephon feebly criticizing his wife's appearance; in this poem, Leapor goes much further by asserting that she herself is an ugly woman, a slattern, and almost dares the gentleman to stand by his favourable opinion of her intelligence.
  9. Once the slattern had served us, Benjamin toasted our newfound friend.
  10. Benjamin stirred and shouted at the slattern to bring a toothpick.
  11. "Can't a woman get a few hours sleep of an afternoon?" the slattern inquired of Didier.
  12. However, they caused me no ill and I staggered back to the Golden Turk and the tender care of the slattern, a bowl of rich broth and countless frothing tankards of ale.
  13. What magistrate would listen to her lame excuses, in any case, if John-William Dallam named her a thief, and Miss Ernestine Baker testified that she was a slattern?

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