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Перевод: smelting



  1. The mined ore had to be transported by packhorse to Keswick for smelting.
  2. Iron Towards the end of the second millennium BC, but particularly during the first millennium BC, developments in smelting technology meant that iron became available.
  3. Arsenical copper could never have been easy to make or work with; during smelting, clouds of poisonous arsenious oxide are produced and in re-melting the alloy some of the arsenic may be lost.
  4. The upper substage is marked by the discovery of iron smelting and the invention of alphabetic writing.
  5. Arsenic is very volatile and was unobtainable by ancient smelting techniques, but arsenic minerals commonly occur in association with copper ores and an alloy with a few per cent can be obtained by smelting these.
  6. Mines were sunk, quarries excavated, and ironworks sprang up everywhere to exploit the new technique of smelting iron ore with coke, using limestone as a flux.
  7. The smelting process alters the chemical composition of the original ore so that there is usually no simple chemical correlation between ore and metal.
  8. Metal extraction was difficult, sources of non-ferrous ores are particularly scarce and these, and the smelting sites, were often far removed from where the majority of the artefacts were eventually used.
  9. The applications of copper-based metals were extensive, and as new alloys became available through developments in smelting they were exploited in new ways.
  10. It is, however, a fascinating area to explore, bridges, culverts, mine levels and a smelting mill remaining to be seen after a century of abandonment and neglect.
  11. In the Forest of Dean they also took housebote and haybote and a tree trunk at Christmas, under the supervision of the verderers and other Forest officers: they employed men to make some of this wood into charcoal and to operate travelling forges for the smelting of iron, and were answerable to the Crown when these workmen took wood in the forest to which they were not entitled.
  12. As the seams of coal and iron were exhausted, or became unprofitable to work, mining and smelting diminished.
  13. Even after overcoming the tremendous technical difficulties of mining and smelting metals, the end result of all this endeavour was a raw material that still required the considerable skills of the metalsmith to turn it into artefacts, whether practical, artistic or both.

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