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Перевод: solitariness speek solitariness

уединение; одиночество


  1. The progress of this story was to show me the essential solitariness of other people, people whom I had not thought of as being solitary before.
  2. There were no tourists, and my air of demure solitariness must have been conspicuous, for I attracted the attention of a man whom I then thought of as middle-aged, and who was of distinctly raffish appearance.
  3. Minton's acolytes meanwhile underlined Vaughan's solitariness.
  4. Solitariness is thus a result of social behaviour and may produce particular societal structures involving wide dispersion.
  5. Before this marriage, his own solitariness and his claustral Christianity made such an achievement seem partly unreal.
  6. Mr Dance gives us many of the man's essential qualities: his psychological dependence on his mother, his solitariness (he is constantly placed down front gazing over the audience's heads), his antique, tribal valour.
  7. the cuistot, ravitailleur, or homme-soupe, as the ration parties were variously called, in that it was played out in the solitariness of night.
  8. Such solitariness was a condition and not a mood, however; it lay beneath those moments of inexplicable high spirits when Eliot seemed, as Sherek put it, as gay as a cricket, just as it could be combined with apparent activity and busyness in the world.
  9. Already a boy given to solitariness and a certain economy of words, he found in poetic diction (thanks, not least to Wordsworth) the most congenial vehicle for comprehension and self-expression.

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