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Перевод: sonority speek sonority

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  1. The acoustic is spacious, the strings have body and brilliance, the brass fine sonority, while the overall balance is excellent.
  2. ". The recordings faithfully mirror Pogorelich's distinctive and crystalline sonority.
  3. "Miss Faith Lavender," he said, giving the words more sonority than they deserved.
  4. Their playing in the finale (fig. 5, track 3, 42'00") has real delicacy and clarity of articulation and in the slow movement for once really sounds as it is marked, Misterioso et elegante , and the muted strings, dolcissimo , have a lightness of sonority and colour which greatly enhances the atmosphere.
  5. It was the full Wagner orchestra, with full sonority, but played with real subtlety and the full range of dynamic levels.
  6. In fact, whatever else it may be, Lighthouses is a cornucopia of virtuoso orchestral effects, a continuously shifting, shimmering kaleidoscope of sonority by a composer who seems to know just about every effect in the book, plus many he's discovered for himself, and who knows just how to use them.
  7. He agrees with my belief that to understand Berlioz's structure, you have to perceive his sense of timbre and orchestral sonority as architectural rather than mere colour; structures built of contrasting or complimentary sound.
  8. I should also mention the young Schumann, but then I have immediately to qualify: in his Symphonic Etudes, he consciously seeks an orchestral sonority.
  9. It had been noticed in the inner city that many vowel variables could be described in terms of sub-scales according to following consonantal environments (as in table 4.5); we attempted, therefore, to operationalize this perception by distinguishing following environments roughly based on the sonority scales discussed by Taylor (1973) and others adapted to an "allophonic length" dialect (J. Milroy, 1976a).
  10. Thin little feline wails would flex and expand until a rich trombonic sonority enveloped every inch of the house.
  11. All notes have that crisp, interesting electro-acoustic sonority, without sounding wimpish or feeble.
  12. As already imitated, Sarah Cunningham's playing throughout this fascinating recital is a constant pleasure, and she has been provided with a recording which does ample justice to the ripe sonority of her instrument.
  13. The digital recording is good, although a bit lacking in sonority and colour.

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