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Перевод: sophisticate speek sophisticate

лишать простоты; лишать естественности; извращать; фальсифицировать; подделывать; заниматься софистикой; придавать изысканность; придавать утонченность; делать искушенным в житейских делах


  1. Her character, the Comtesse, is a classic MacArthur role, a salon sophisticate unlikely to keep her worldly wisdom to herself.
  2. Except that already it is not quite that simple, since the post-modern sophisticate is also the critic of these other, negative ways of relating to the other; he or she is the one who diagnoses their social and psychic economies.
  3. Although Prince Henry was nominally in command the real leader of the expedition was the Duc de Richelieu, a worldly , loose-living sophisticate, who found Henry's piety irritating.
  4. She was a woman, and, even if she was hardly the sophisticate Nicolo imagined her to be, at least she knew what passion was.
  5. She is the stunning young beauty dripping red lipstick and he is the wayward, womanising, ageing sophisticate with a young son and terribly understanding wife.
  6. In Lakatos's own words, "The positive heuristic consists of a partially articulated set of suggestions or hints on how to change, develop, the "refutable variants" of the research programme, how to modify, sophisticate, the "refutable" protective belt".
  7. Modernist innovation and the revolution that was Ulysses , far from being ignored, continue to expand the range of possibilities for British writers, encouraging new forms and combinations to sophisticate and diversify conventional resources.
  8. Warnie, no sophisticate in emotional matters, found Jack's relationship with Janie Moore incomprehensible.
  9. To Robins Miles was a sophisticate, in touch, linked to Ginsberg and to It, and to Tom McGrath and the Americans abroad, Haynes, Moore, Mairowitz, and Levy.
  10. He was a social sophisticate, George, not a cultural one.

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