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Перевод: soporific speek soporific

усыпляющий; снотворный; наркотический;
снотворное; наркотик


  1. At the start, everyone was respectful towards him, listening carefully to his soporific explanations.
  2. Making all due allowance for the return of historical tragedy as farce, watching this soporific monolith of the virtuous rise out of the debris of a liberating movement is akin to nothing so much as witnessing Bureaucracy emerge from the ashes of Revolution.
  3. And looking at the Palestinian revolution "trom a viewpoint higher than my own" he regards it as ultimately a revolt reaching to the limits of Islam, a "calling for a revision, probably even a rejection, of a theology as soporific as a Breton cradle" (p. 88).
  4. the Mass in C is a more successful performance, much less soporific, though again I am occasionally bothered by what sounds like rather a rudderless account.
  5. A libel trial is in large parts intensely soporific, if you are not on the receiving end.
  6. Making love was all very well, pleasant and soporific if not exactly ecstatic, but afterwards she needed her space.
  7. Soporific effect of this work on Mr Boffin.
  8. Kyphi was always burnt after sunset for its effects were soporific and intoxicating.
  9. Mr Sanchez recalls that on one occasion, Mr Keith Richards , a musician once fond of exotic medication, was so vexed by his hound Caesar 's nocturnal barking that he administered him with a soporific known colloquially as a "mandie".
  10. He was also aware that his writing might act as a "soporific to closet readers."
  11. I drove slowly and unambitiously and the Brooklands responding with smoothness and quiet to rival the best, all the time asking so little of the driver that it was positively soporific.
  12. One of the Gaelic names for poppy is "the sleep plant", which is probably Papaver somniferum because of the acknowledged soporific properties.
  13. He also had a soporific gift.

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