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Перевод: soupy speek soupy

водянистый; жидкий; плаксивый


  1. The one Quiss had dumped in the gruel saw the huge fur-clad figure of the human and started shaking so hard that little flecks of soupy stuff flew off It, like water from a dog.
  2. Fenella, clinging to self-control, thought that it was a gobbling, lip-smacking sound, as if the soupy fluid was savouring her, as if it was going to enjoy bubbling upwards until it had engulfed her entire body
  3. Well Soupy, all that's left is to wish you all the best, and roll on your first goal for Linfield.
  4. The Harwell scientists, headed by Chris Lambe, have produced a machine that will separate large protein molecules from the complex soupy mix that forms the product of many biochemical reactions.
  5. He remembered a girl he had known once who used to say " franchement " whenever she meant "frankly" - rather a soupy girl, and far from frank, but consoling all the same on despairing Sundays, and she had made beautiful casseroles.
  6. The works range from images of high seriousness and merit, for example one of the rare, celebrated proof impressions of Picasso's "Repas frugal" (1904) printed in blue (with later signature), to the fin-de-sicle soupy soft porn of Manuel Robbe.
  7. The voice of rock'n'roll, in contrast, is almost unrelievedly soupy.
  8. "Pretty soupy.
  9. Disco in its most grandiose form worked on the principle that a heartbeat rhythm, combined with soupy strings and a chain of Afro-Cuban drum breakdowns, could pop out the tightest emotional and sexual blocks.
  10. Do they still boil cabbage to a soupy pulp in Britain, and pour the vitamin C down the drain?

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