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Перевод: specious speek specious

благовидный; правдоподобный; обманчивый; показной


  1. Here too the emphasis was on the susceptibility of the "innocent" to the specious; section 28 of the Local Government Act 1987 - 8 states that a local authority shall not
  2. Privately, however, many leading Labour MPs admit that this is a specious argument.
  3. Materialism is a "false principle" which "stays and embarrasses the mind in its search after truth"; it raises specious problems, it draws us "into uncouth paradoxes, difficulties, and inconsistencies, which multiply and grow upon us as we advance in speculation".
  4. In the terms of the binaries invoked, and reinstalled rightway-around, he should have been perceived as only shallow, specious, ineffectual.
  5. Hence the concentration on plays and novels, often modern ones, which is made increasingly possible with A-level syllabuses governed by the specious lure of relevance.
  6. It is worth skipping through the rest just to read them, but their bearing on the story proper - Belbo is a man who missed his moment, and conspiracy theory is the refuge of the disappointed - is specious.
  7. By contrast Wilde and his art are described as "false", "cheap", "shallow and specious", "nerveless and effeminate", marked by an "unreality" and "essential emptiness and frivolity" (pp. 75, 78, 1 33, 1 34).
  8. Armed with this perspective, library staff may perhaps be more likely to respond to the specious logic of their political masters, eager to turn an honest penny as long as it will cause controversy and save money from the Westminster rate-cappers.
  9. As potential jurors or witnesses, voters or representatives of political or interest groups, they will need to know how to judge or present a spoken case, how to recognise emotive language and arguments that are specious or selective, and how to marshall facts with clarity and precision.
  10. At the end of the book, though, Zuckerman confronts Roth with the opinion that the latter has made a mistake in trying to tame or to shed his imagination in the foregoing text, that fiction is superior to fact, and that the factuality of The Facts is specious.
  11. To some extent the work might be categorised as a study in the various possible kinds of orchestral glissandi ; or indeed as a specious of tuba concerto, for that instrument, so evocative of whales and fog-signals and ships' sirens, often plays a quasi-obbligato role.
  12. James I did, on the specious excuse of the ransom due to England for his release; James V blackmailed the papacy into allowing him to extort vast amounts of taxation from the church.
  13. Yes, I would like to see this specious form of brewery advertising eradicated for all breweries by legislation but I would also like to see as much of our present brewing heritage as possible preserved intact.

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