Перевод: splay
[прилагательное] косой; скошенный; расширяющийся; вытянутый; вывернутый наружу; неуклюжий; [существительное] скос ; откос ; амбразура ; [глагол] скашивать края; расширять; расширяться; вывихнуть; выворачивать носки наружу
- Because the brushes are so springy I was able to splay the hair, using a little force against the support, to distribute colour - the brush hair still bounced back into shape perfectly in spite of this forceful application.
- The advantages in the use of cylinder-type batteries are that such batteries have no snap terminal to splay or fold under, and they have more stamina when used as a group than an equivalent voltage single PP3.
- On the PP3 battery, the female terminal can splay, leading to intermittent contact.
- Not only does this allow it to "grasp" the ground more firmly, but it also allows the toes to splay out when the goat is descending an icy slope, giving more effective braking power.
- Right and if you splay the legs out like that
- In the case of the Vale of Pewsey Fault, however, only minor faulting occurs in the Mesozoic above the subcrop of the thrust, the main growth fault appearing several kilometres to the south, perhaps controlled either by a splay thrust in the hanging wall or by local steepening of the sole thrust at this point.
- The disadvantages are that the single battery has less stamina than a pod of AAs giving the same voltage, and the female terminal can splay (or the segments fold under if the battery is installed carelessly).
- On the other hand, any interest in any part of the land, however small, does require a notice and this can include (to some people's surprise) land interests as small as those shown for a new visibility splay for an access road.
- Differences are presumably related to such factors as the angle of dip of the basement fault at its subcrop, the presence of splay faults, and the competence of both the basement and the Mesozoic sequence.
- I had been a thing of firm, clear outlines; now I seemed to splay out in all directions and to have assumed a shape, thanks to undue accretions of flesh, which bore no relation to the person I believed to exist within it.
- They are called working faults and they are listed in the Standard as follows: Weak bones and musculature; steep shoulders, deficient elbow articulation; too long, too short, or steep upper arm; weak or steep pasterns; splay feet, flat feet or excessively arched toes, stunted toes; flat ribcage, barrel chest, pigeon breast; back too long, weak, sway or roach; croup too short, too straight, too long or too steep; too heavy, unwieldy body; hind legs flatshanked, sicklehocked, cow-hocked or bow-legged; joints too narrowly or too widely angled.
- Which has its own story: Jagger's lips, Hendrix's cock, Bolan's gin, Prince's tongue, Morrissey's nipple (one of the few options of indecency left, to revel, to splay oneself-as-object, play thing).
- Felt-tips or fibre-tipped pens that give a strong, dark line are useful for children in the first classes, the disadvantage being that pressure can cause the tips to splay or split.
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