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Перевод: spotty speek spotty

пятнистый; крапчатый; пестрый; разнохарактерный; разношерстный; неоднородный; прыщеватый


  1. Nutty suspected that the trouble was Spotty, rather than Jazz, who had started off with plenty of confidence, but now, because his pony was old and unwilling, got dispirited by its lack of co-operation.
  2. This is neither brash, spotty punk nor controlled smoothly executed musicianship but a careful balance which utilises the expertise of the latter and loses none of the instantaneous excitement of the former.
  3. I thought I was getting David and maybe a few personal possessions, but when he actually turned up, he was with a friend in a very large van, and this rather ethereal, thin, slightly spotty figure that was David in those days, dressed in extremely scruffy clothes, emerged from this van carrying a twelve string guitar, which it transpired was a present from Pete Townshend.
  4. Magnus, I thought, was a spasmo, spotty piece of elephant dung.
  5. On this particular occasion, Anna was suffering from anxiety and insomnia, spotty skin, bloating (her abdomen had swollen alarmingly) and a craving for sweet food - particularly chocolate.
  6. The scramble for perfect vinyl ambience has forced record companies into sending their spotty new acts into the most highly sophisticated "digital" recording studios in the country.
  7. "Just don't go getting involved with some spotty adolescent.
  8. As a spotty student, I worked in a large hotel in Fort William for four months, and grew extremely fond of it.
  9. Another spotty youth has hacked his way into the shadowy world of US defence.
  10. Waved back by a Kalashnikov-wielding, spotty boy-soldier, I was subject to a ten-minute harangue by two bad-tempered border guards.
  11. Not that spotty youth in the army-surplus overcoat, what's his name, Cliff, not him for God's sake.
  12. He is spotty, but reed-thin.
  13. He just didn't look the right sort of boy - in the bathroom mirror he saw his wishy-washy face, freckled and slightly spotty, his wishy-washy blue eyes staring mournfully back; in no way did the image relate to the brown, sparkling athletes who drank beer after a game of soccer in the commercials.

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