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Перевод: spreader speek spreader

распространитель ; распределитель ; спредер ; шпредер ; шпрединг-машина ; приспособление для раскладки; распорка ; навозоразбрасыватель


  1. I recall the days when the unseen sounds of a muck spreader would seriously unsettle my solid cob.
  2. Free from the worktop, we make a bridle with 750mm or 30in off the kite line and, with a darning needle, pierce the cover at the intersection of the spine and spreader, and tie with a secure knot (see Chapter Three).
  3. Use a small plastic spreader and apply a thin coat to the underside of the bridge and the part of the table where the bridge sits.
  4. Prepare the cross-spar to the length indicated (about 60mm longer than the spine) and you will soon see why it is generally called a "spreader", as you stick first one end down with more strong tape, then have to curve it, in order to fit it within the kite shape at the other end and onto the final corner.
  5. This one can be made in almost the same way as the Diamond, except that the cross-spar or spreader has to be bent at the centre.
  6. A slow spreader
  7. A vigorous spreader on fertile soil.
  8. Both adhesive and grout for wall tiling are usually sold readymixed, in plastic tubs complete with a notched plastic spreader.
  9. Properly drained and topped with about 2 metres of sand, they have become playing fields or ornamental gardens, with the seed-mulch mixture being spread by a machine much like an asphalt spreader.
  10. They may be joined by the gorgeous lime-green flowers of Smyrnium perfoliatum , a plant which is either a satisfactory spreader or an invasive pest, depending on your point of view.
  11. For almost any tiling job, large or small, you will need the following: tile adhesive; a notched adhesive spreader; some tile spacers (unless you are using universal tiles); lengths of tile edge trim (optional); grout plus a flexible spreader; a steel tape measure; some lengths of 3812mm (1in) softwood battening plus masonry pins and hammer for large wall areas; a spirit level; a tile cutter; tile nibblers, pincers or tile saw; some dowelling for shaping the grout lines; a pencil and felt-tip pen; and some sponges and cloths for wiping and polishing.
  12. Spreader: Much like a swapper, but his main interest is to spread his group's latest software.

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