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Перевод: springing



  1. In fact, the way I had instinctively started to limp turned out to be the best: a short step on the left heel with the leg stiff and a long springing step on the right.
  2. A typical Mercedes-owner would live in the hills of Buda, in one of the luxury apartment houses studded with satellite dishes that are constantly springing up.
  3. The state telecoms monopolies wanted to retain their privileged positions, and that meant extending their privileges, since new technologies and services were springing up on every hand.
  4. Towards evening, when the grass started to take on the dry crackle of hay, it was as if the small handshakings were springing up in the meadow.
  5. On the rare occasions when people criticize you (see Criticism on page 44) and offer you explicit feedback about your behaviour, accept it gratefully rather than springing to your own defence.
  6. Many plants were in fact native, such as Red Campion, Silene dioica , aquilegia and violets, and because they were already well adjusted to our climate, found no difficulty in springing up from every square inch of the ground.
  7. Shifting and springing uses .
  8. It came into Wexford's mind that money metaphors often have to do with water, gushing, springing, and that business men talk of liquidity and cash flow.
  9. A double bed with two entirely different types of springing to suit the needs of each partner exactly; to ease them gently into the right positions to keep the spine relaxed and flexible; to help lift the pressure off bones, muscles, tendons, nerve endings and joints.
  10. This use in favour of D was a springing use.
  11. Here Shakespearian splendour, and indeed all art, is seen as springing from something beyond reason, and possibly senseless.
  12. But already a change of attitude had begun, springing from Rousseau's Nouvelle Heloise , published in 1761.
  13. Now some of them look unkempt, neglected, despite the fine new houses and gardens which are springing up.

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