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Перевод: synergism speek synergism

взаимное усиление действия; синергизм


  1. In considering this, Stoker and Williams conclude that when gastric and duodenal secretions mix there may be a toxic synergism between the two that leads to mucosal disruption and intracellular damage to oesophageal cells.
  2. In this form the mixture exhibits a property known as synergism whereby the performance is better than the total effect of each working alone.
  3. (In 1989 a DoE/Forestry Commission survey of hedgerow trees found a correlation between ash dieback, acidity and sulphur, suggesting, says Andrew Tickle of Greenpeace, "some synergism between air pollutants and agricultural factors".)
  4. Also, says Perera, the government tends to play down the importance of prevention and of synergism (different chemicals in the environment working together), while they call for more epidemiology - or, as many environmentalists put it, "counting the bodies".
  5. Indeed it is quite possible that at this pH range there is a mixture of gastric acid and duodenal alkaline juices which may be damaging (with toxic synergism) to the oesophageal mucosa, but this cannot be assessed using the parameter of pH.

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