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Перевод: tailspin speek tailspin

штопор ; резкий спад в экономике


  1. Emerson's story sent everybody into a tailspin he says, including Mary-Claude's family in Lebanon.
  2. Tailspin
  3. NOT even Bryan Robson could pull Manchester United's title challenge out of its tailspin as another two points disappeared against Arsenal at Old Trafford last night.
  4. Justin hasn't had this much ink for a decade, not since his million-pound transfer from Norwich to Nottingham Forest, where, from being the highest scorer in the First Division, his career went into a premature tailspin.
  5. Conservative CIDs, for example, have all sorts of tricks to frustrate an incoming radical chief superintendent, by which they can legally send clear-up rates into a tailspin - so leading to the rapid transfer of the reforming senior officer.
  6. They fall in love, but before they can consummate it Elena has a vision of the Virgin Mary, which throws the local authorities into a tailspin.
  7. TAILSPIN: Looked likely to be unplaced in Double Dutch's race at Ascot, but finished powerfully to take third place and must be followed in similar company.
  8. If she were to try, she would only end up gabbling something silly, for the heat of his lips against her fingers had sent her brain into a kind of mental tailspin.
  9. First, he must regain support abroad, stop the economy from re-entering the tailspin in which he found it and reconquer the two-thirds of the country lost to an undeclared civil war, without driving new recruits into the arms of the guerrillas.
  10. Its shares are currently trading at 33 on the New York Stock Exchange, and you don't split your shares if you think that negative news is about to cause the price to go into a tailspin.
  11. A PILOT called Randy went into a tailspin when his girl-friend gave him the elbow.

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