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Перевод: talker

разговорчивый человек; болтун ; тот, кто говорит; говорящий ; хороший оратор


  1. The interactional structure for the talker requires a sustaining of partner's attention.
  2. On Wednesday, Paddy Ashdown played the tough talker, the straight man who won't soften the harsh realities - though those realities immediately turn out to be the same smooth bribes offered by every other politician.
  3. The psychological structure for the talker requires, broadly speaking, two kinds of pretence: (1) an emotional one of having made a momentous decision and (2) a fictitious factual background.
  4. But he's not a great conversationalist and not a great chatterer and talker and worker out of problems, like, for instance, Viscount Whitelaw, whose genius is that he's always absolutely ready with many views on every single problem that's going, political, policy and so on.
  5. And she was some talker, old Eva.
  6. A slow deliberate talker, he fixed his small eyes on the subject he was conversing with, as though exerting a hypnotic effect.
  7. For the focus of the interchange has narrowed so that the talker's role can demand the attention of the listener's role.
  8. To his growing band of Cambridge friends he remained the brilliant talker and philosopher whose radical sympathies were ever more plain.
  9. It is a gargantuan language spilling out from the talker who once he opens his mouth has no intention of shutting it again.
  10. It requires a talker and a listener.
  11. Indeed as friend, colleague or relation, the listener has a choice of responses which were not available to her had the task merely instructed her to listen: she could, for instance, adopt a cool intellectual probing, helping the talker to weigh up the pros and cons, or she could set up emotional resistance to the idea.
  12. "People say there are courses in the economics of wildlife management, but I think it's better to be a scientist than a talker."
  13. He is not much of a talker; a longish sentence for him is um , his standard reply to most questions.

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