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Перевод: ugliness speek ugliness

уродство; уродливость ; безобразие; некрасивая внешность


  1. He couldn't bear the thought of a child like Anna ever being subjected to the indecencies and ugliness of a house such as Claybury's, and he vowed that from now on he would work only to make life for lunatics stress-free and tolerable, even if it meant less money for himself.
  2. To create beauty out of ugliness.
  3. The area is as yet largely untouched by the ugliness of mass afforestation and still a paradise for lovers of the outdoors.
  4. "You're not ugly," she said later, though nobody had mentioned ugliness, not even once.
  5. A guide to London public sculpture described the monument as "A masterpiece by the much-advertised apostle of Ugliness", a view shared by those who felt that Hudson the nature lover was ill commemorated by a sculpture which showed nature in so raw a state.
  6. Queen Victoria had the curtains of her train window drawn when she passed through the region so that her eyes should not be offended by its ugliness and squalor.
  7. The Sussex coast was best seen at a distance, though, for proximity to the sea causes human beings to create great ugliness.
  8. Children are subjected every day to newspaper and television news bulletins revealing the brutality and ugliness of the world and no matter how hard we try we could never successfully protect our young from the harsh reality of our violent world.
  9. As a result, the wider human habitat, far from being humanised and ennobled by man's agricultural activities, becomes standardised to dreariness or even degraded to ugliness".
  10. For the traveller it has meant congestion and delay; for the resident it has produced noise, ugliness and fear, and a turning away from the street as the centre of community activity.
  11. The restless indifferent force of human energy, responsible alike for beauty and ugliness, comedy and tragedy, saintliness and crime, had to find its own level inside the wire.
  12. Alternately manic and twee, it has, instead, only the ugliness of wilfully arrested adolescence.
  13. "It is my hope and conviction that as we journey closer to him we shall find ourselves travelling with others and imperceptibly growing together into his beauty and likeness, and away from the ugliness and bitterness which has dogged the history of our Communions.

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