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Перевод: umbilicus speek umbilicus



  1. ensuring hair, nails and umbilicus are clean carrying out any specific skin preparation requested (e.g. painting skin with antiseptic lotion).
  2. as the brittle umbilicus.
  3. the umbilicus a black twig,
  4. It is as if the emotional umbilicus is never cut, and so magical transfers of feeling remain possible.
  5. She was thinking that the girl might have lacked an umbilicus; might have come straight from the hand of God, who having finished making the mountains had picked a bit of clay from under his thumbnail and fashioned just one more sort of person, perhaps as an experiment.
  6. There was a slackening of the tension in the psychic umbilicus, and more importantly, there was no reference to Mr Broadhurst.
  7. The site of injection should be 2 - 3 mm lateral to the umbilicus.
  8. An umbilicus is being tugged.

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