u ub ud uf ug uh ui uk ul um un up ur us ut uu uv ux uz

Перевод: umbrage speek umbrage

обида ; тень ; сень


  1. But now he's showing definite signs of not thinking you are made of wood I'm quite happy to stop taking violent umbrage and to start liking him.
  2. One thinks of the religious maniac who gripped one's hand too firmly, hours earlier, on the Metropolitan Line and asked one, sincerely, to "repent," of the strange fellow who took umbrage at the book one was reading-The Boss; J. Edgar Hoover And The Great American Inquisition-and accused one, for some unaccountable reason, of being no better than Norman Tebbit.
  3. As not a single local party had discussed either of these issues, not a single delegate took umbrage and Mr Kinnock received a Tory-style standing ovation.
  4. "We shouldn't have took umbrage this morning, only - what with the people down here being so stand-offish, like, we got sort of sensitive about sausages.
  5. He got on very well with the patients, and made them laugh without taking umbrage when they laughed at him.
  6. Several journalists from rival publications take umbrage at this and a "is the human back a naughty bit" controversy/debate ensues
  7. Starved of emotional nourishment from that quarter, the daughter is brittle and neurotic and, when her boyfriend leaves her for another woman, she takes umbrage, haunts the new love-nest night and day, lets down tyres, makes abusive phone calls and eventually throws a stone through a window and gets herself arrested.
  8. The risk factor is high, teachers and even parents sometimes jealously interfere, orchestras can take umbrage at being asked to work with prodigies.
  9. Twenty years later, Antonia White's The Sugar House actually went before a judge, when an actress called June Sylvaine took umbrage at the book's portrayal of a bitchy, overweight trouper of that name.
  10. However, people often take umbrage and start disagreeing or, if you persist with difficulties, they may give up and go and find someone more positive to talk to.
  11. Iggy Pop and the lippily ascendant Wonder Stuff aside, the only high point was seeing the pathetic Meat Loaf take umbrage at the traditional hail of plastic bottles.
  12. Severe weather forced Francis to assess his strengths on all weather pitches, and when the Wednesday boss requested an extension of the trial period, Cantona took umbrage and defected to Leeds.
  13. The Duke insisted that "its fitt it be understood for it might give umbrage to Achinbowie and Balfunning", and he was very clear that the gentleman in question, the son of Glengyle, should not, under any circumstances, join Lord George's ship.

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