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Перевод: uplift speek uplift

духовный подъем; подъем ; взброс ; бюстгальтер ;


  1. Thus estimates of Bunter Shale uplift are only valid for describing basement uplift so long as there is stratigraphic continuity of the intervening Permian strata.
  2. Although determined on probable uplifted section and at high levels of maturity (R 2%) the section shows a gradient at some divergence to the minimum uplift Westphalian gradient.
  3. Commonly, overheads double the underlying employment costs and when a margin of, say, 25% of revenue is added, the total uplift on the basic hourly rate is between 150% and 200%.
  4. However, these subcrop units are not restricted to such areas and are also overlain by non-anomalous Bunter uplift zones.
  5. Uplift of this magnitude could have occurred during Hercynian times with the stripping of considerable amounts of Carboniferous overburden.
  6. The Rough, West Sole, Filey and Audrey group of fields lie along the periphery of the northern belt of anomalous uplift.
  7. The uplift of a sedimentary pile undergoing maturation is likely to have the effect of leading to a cessation of hydrocarbon generation.
  8. Uplift
  9. As the distribution of collapse breccias is not related to any particular facies, the only way that their presence can be predicted is by identifying areas where uplift and exposure has occurred.
  10. In doing so, he achieved something of the economic uplift associated with a move to the West, with little of the attendant culture shock, a fact which Glasgow can take as a kick in the groin or a pat on the back.
  11. Vitrinite reflectance maturity profiles for the Visean, Namurian and Westphalian in single wells from the Southern North Sea Basin (SNSB) compared with the composite Carboniferous minimum uplift maturity-depth relationship.
  12. Firstly, it may have been masked by the salt movement effects described above or, secondly, it may be an indication that some of the central areas have undergone less Hercynian uplift than the flanking areas to the north and east.
  13. But such moments of uplift as were provided by the mystics could not prevent Lewis's common-sense humility from seeing "how much of one's philosophy and religion are mere talk".

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