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Перевод: uproot speek uproot

выкорчевывать; вырывать с корнем; искоренять


  1. Bullfinches may strip buds from fruit trees in early spring, wood pigeons ruin winter cabbages and cauliflowers and uproot seedlings of peas and beans in spring, or strip buds of fruit from blackcurrants and other fruits.
  2. Various blades or discs can be fitted to uproot the weeds either between ridges or on the flat.
  3. Cultivations are carried out for three reasons: to improve the soil crumb structure and so create an ideal seed-bed for the crop; to uproot and kill weeds; and to bury turf or crop residues where they will rot down and not compete with the ensuing crop.
  4. We sometimes uproot small plants from around fences.
  5. They may sift open bottom areas, but are unlikely to uproot established plants.
  6. Encouraged by stories of sun, sea and wealth from Marjorie Gedge's brother, who was living in Cape Town, South Africa, they decided to uproot and join him.
  7. Even when large they will not uproot oxygenating plants or damage lilies.
  8. The folds look as if they are pushing Helmsdale right into the sea; as though the river in spate had collected all the houses it could uproot inland and deposited them at the river mouth with just enough of a toehold to keep them there.
  9. I have known a sow that enjoyed the sensation of a pulsating electric shock and a cow that learned to uproot a mesh fence with her horns.
  10. They had got used to living in Brighton, and saw no reason to uproot themselves, but one of their tutors took them aside and said, "Look, this place hasn't got a proper research library, and it's not going to get one.
  11. Curiously, however, between AD 90 and 97, an imperial order went out to uproot all commercial vineyards throughout Gaul.
  12. If elderly people are persuaded to uproot themselves in a hurry at the first sign of trouble, making major decisions at a time when they are not emotionally stable enough to think them through, like selling their homes and moving away from old friends and familiar surroundings into the different world and routine of a younger household, they sometimes regret it, and much unhappiness ensues for everyone.
  13. Agnew, however, is not certain that he wants to uproot his family - even if it gives him a chance to resurrect his career.

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