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Перевод: upside speek upside

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  1. In effect this was a period of withdrawal from a rigidly structured police world to a world turned upside down; where, in a "counter-cultural" way, we were to find that the strict terms of reference we had carefully built up over the years no longer seemed to have relevance.
  2. Using a fishing snap-link on the end of the flying line, hook it onto the bridle (commercial kites should come with a ring on the bridle) and suspend the kite upside down.
  3. and hangs upside down
  4. To get plant out of the pot, turn it upside down with the stem between your fingers and give the pot a gentle knock.
  5. A PART FROM a few dedicated individuals who preferred to do it the "hard way" (we'll discuss that in a moment), the flying of a model helicopter upside down became possible with the introduction of the "invert switch".
  6. A small seat, which also serves as a kneeler when it is turned upside down, is a practical item which can be carried in one hand.
  7. If I were he, I'd build Lord Palmerston an office with all the capitals upside down; and tell him it was the Greek style, inverted, to express typically Government by Party: Up today, down tomorrow.
  8. I can read upside down.
  9. The machine turned upside down as I slid into the water.
  10. In the New Testament Jesus uses two images to convey God's extravagant concern for the world: one is the shepherd who risks the rest of the flock in order to go searching for the lost sheep; the other is the woman who turns a house upside down looking for lost coins.
  11. A block of four 1918 24-cent stamps featuring an early aeroplane, from a famous sheet of 100 on which the aeroplane was printed upside down, sold for 1.1m (705,128), against an estimate of 600,000-800,000, to an American broadcasting executive.
  12. With no evidence that it would improve standards, it is difficult to see the advantage of turning the system upside down once more.
  13. The cab came from a Massey-Ferguson 1200 and cost 600, and a solid steel radiator surround from the same model was turned upside down and fitted to the new tractor.

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