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Перевод: upstage speek upstage

относящийся к задней части сцены; высокомерный; надменный;
в глубине сцены; надменно;
часть сцены в театре;


  1. Later the mass of dancers merely moves upstage sur les pointes to a pose and further ports de bras , then returns downstage to another slowly unfolding set of ports de bras and arabesques .
  2. All is well until the chorus when Wayne spins on his back foot, tips the keyboards over and rushes upstage where he jostles Neil and begins bellowing "Yo!
  3. There was down stage right and left and upstage right and left, up centre, down centre and of course centre plus many others such as "left of so and so".
  4. Don't you think all this upstage reserve is rather ridiculous?"
  5. The Cabinet outcast managed to upstage Kenneth Baker, the Conservative party chairman, who has been taking acting lessons from Kenneth Branagh.
  6. The Practical Curriculum , for example, a useful, practical discussion document for schools from the Schools Council, had to be held up so that it should not upstage an HMI view of the curriculum.
  7. Dustin privately entertained his friends with a wickedly accurate imitation of superstar McQueen attempting to upstage little Dustin.
  8. It is quite an achievement to upstage the assembled might of City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra and Rattle, not to mention Maria Ewing as second soprano, but this is precisely what Barbara Bonney, standing in for an indisposed Lillian Watson, did.
  9. "This won't upstage the strength of the terrine and will also make an ideal apritif for a summer's day."
  10. Transitory moments are offset by big set-piece scenes with many characters: a difficult birth, and a fair where Candy discovers she can upstage the leading lady by a lewd trick with a cigar between her legs.
  11. It was no longer necessary to upstage the Green Party; and it was becoming harder, too, to find a straightforward, easily defined green issue on which to challenge the Tories.
  12. Diana had captivated the country; Charles was proud, but Diana was beginning to upstage him
  13. Graham relished the opportunity to upstage Chelsea and found in the talented Russell the width to dominate the game from midfield.

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