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Перевод: upstart speek upstart

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  1. And the fact of George Carey's criticism of massive pay rises to top bosses, and his sermon on the social responsibilities of wealth creation, is of concern to those bosses and wealth "creators" because remarks that would have been unexceptional from other quarters came from the head of the established church - a case of the upstart vicar from Barking not yet fully appreciating the nature of his role within the establishment to which he has only recently secured entry.
  2. It was all too much, waiting for that upstart Hitler to make up his mind; to envisage the Germans strutting down the Mall as they'd strutted down the Champs lyses.
  3. In the Concerto especially, both soloist and conductor take the work entirely seriously, and make a substantial case for it as one of the leading Concertos of its time - the days are leaving us at least when Gershwin's "serious" works (those aren't my scare quotes) were treated like the fortuitous good fortune of the upstart seven-year-old playing in big brother's room, as if he composed them by accident.
  4. Yet for all that he no longer believed the creed in which he had been raised: for all that he fought for a king against an upstart general, for the old order against the new, Karelius recognized that at heart he would always be one of Cromwell's men.
  5. So, it seems, does the Bank of England, fearful that the fiasco will drive financial business from London to upstart continental centres.
  6. The alehouse in its most basic form was simply a domestic building where ale was sold to generate additional income for the household, although David Lupton observed in 1632 that the alehouse keeper " defies a wine tavern as an upstart outlandish fellow, and suspects the wine to be poisoned.
  7. For decades after their War of Independence, the Israelis claimed that most of the Arab Palestinians had left of their own free will after being urged by Arab radio stations to leave their homes and take sanctuary in neighbouring states until the Arab armies had conquered the upstart new Israeli nation.
  8. Who will be our upstart Mussolini?
  9. With the upstart Parsons that margin was as wide as a motorway, of course, but even Thomas Carter, Nature's gentleman, couldn't help getting it ever so slightly wrong, in his case by bending over backwards to minimize his achievements and rubbish his accomplishments in order to spare you the painful comparison with your own lacklustre status.
  10. THE man John Cleese once called an "ignorant upstart caterer" has celebrated his first anniversary as boss of Granada with a 129% profits increase to 130.2m.
  11. He probably thought of Adolph Hitler as an Austrian upstart, and the rest of the Nazis as gangsters and scum, but he obeyed orders, and Hitler was Chancellor.
  12. Today the president, Mrs Macpherson, in between gracefully shaking hands with each new arrival and presenting her to Mrs MacDonald, decided that she was nothing but a vulgar upstart, and she trembled with suppressed irritation at having to stand in the same receiving line with her.
  13. Born in 1964, but out of production since 1984, this once all-conquering hero will be re-emerging in late February, ready to do battle with upstart Thunderbirds and other toytown insurgents.

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