u ub ud uf ug uh ui uk ul um un up ur us ut uu uv ux uz

Перевод: upswing speek upswing

подъем ; улучшение;
подниматься; улучшаться


  1. Unlike the 1920s and 1930s, the current socio-economic problems, acute though they are, have not seen a marked upswing in the political fortunes of the extreme Right.
  2. But the faster the upswing, the more bunched replacements will be and the sooner a new crisis will loom on the horizon.
  3. We now have an outline of the reasons for an upswing in economic activity and for an increase in the rate of surplus-value.
  4. Arcadelt's madrigals coincide with the upswing of interest in the expressive, lyric poetry of Petrarch, which attracted something of a cult following in Rome during the early decades of the 16th century.
  5. In other countries too, inflation will be a worry right at the start of the coming upswing.
  6. Impact Unable to transfer your body weight back to the left side, you hit the shot on the upswing, resulting in a low thinned shot.
  7. There should, however, be a timely upswing in Sheffield's fortunes with an announcement that a television contract has been agreed.
  8. The size and range of the country's sex business may mean that Thailand is in for the world's fastest upswing in HIV infection.
  9. Overhead signs read: "Strive for a Decisive Upswing in the Supply of Fish Protein!"
  10. And the upswing in Theakston's sales is proof of the pudding.
  11. As did his experience of environmental concerns as head of safety branch and then of environmental and medical sciences division which, as he remembers, "coincided with the great upswing of interest in the environment".
  12. I don't think the upswing will start before spring next year."
  13. Martin Cruz Smith has an intriguing hero to play with; if he could only Strive For a Decisive Upswing in Plot Design, his mastery of the chilly thriller would be complete.

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