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Перевод: validate speek validate

объявлять действительным; утверждать; ратифицировать; делать действительным; придавать юридическую силу


  1. Under these, users can create "what if?" models to visualise and validate their assumptions.
  2. How, for example, do you validate an electronic invoice that lacks an individual's signature?
  3. The results of scientific tests validate these tablets as a means of reducing the fatigue associated with jet-lag.
  4. These scores were also used to validate the training by comparing experimental and control groups.
  5. Other commands to validate and execute either a search, navigation or trail request are parsed and then sent to the appropriate process.
  6. To me, that sort of whammy bar stuff is a total waste of space in your solo and I can't validate that.
  7. More than that, the occasioned uses of everyday concepts constitute part of the data on which we then perform sociological analyses, which we, in turn, reflexively validate by our own background members' knowledge of the world and our own everyday social reasoning.
  8. In the case of the MINSE project, where the intention was to record activities on a computer database, this also served to validate the codes given to each item before entering them into the computer.
  9. This cannot be sustained because the only way to validate task analysis is to switch from functional concepts to behavioural concepts and the only way to validate hardware concepts is to switch to thinking in terms of specific mechanisms.
  10. A further one hundred questionnaires were sent out to develop and validate these vignettes, and an analysis of the questionnaires resulted in the development of eight distinct styles of information use, pupils matched to these eight styles by their teachers have been interviewed and differences in the way these pupils talked about tackling two assignments in different subjects are currently being analysed.
  11. It is among the most significant structural elements of the developed law of trusts that it can resort to bold construction to validate a testator's intentions.
  12. For already domestic class forces were being invented and manipulated at will to validate policy decisions.
  13. On occasion, the need to separate and the guilt about it may be the focus of work; more often, it will be to validate and confirm the spouse or partner in the activities which they are performing.

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